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Modules & Dates

Personal Development & Professional Practice

The first five modules of the training are a personal development journey to centre you powerfully in your identity as a woman. Following on from this you move into professional practice, where you are provided with the skills and knowledge you need to work with clients. In this way you become able to hold an intentional field of transmission for the client and you can mirror them from a place of embodied presence. You learn to hold a powerful and nurturing space, one that encourages and grows inner resources, and supports clients to change their difficult experiences by themselves.

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Year 1

9 modules

9x 3 day modules

Personal Development

Professional Development

Year 2

9 classes

9x 2-hour classes

Professional Practice

Group Supervision

Case Study

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Year 1

Personal & Professional Development

Content, Time & Location

Year one modules 1/2/3/4/5 focus on personal development across the areas of love, sex, money, power and consciousness.

Modules 6/7/8/9 focus on professional development. You begin working with practice clients and are supported by supervision to reflect critically on your client work. 


All modules are online.




Pre-Module Introduction (1) runs on Saturday January 28th 2023  from 10.00-12.00pm (GMT)


Modules (9) are 3 days each and run Friday to Sunday 10.00-12.00pm &  1.30pm-3:30pm (GMT)


Supervisions (4) are in small groups and 2 hours each. Times are to be agreed upon with your supervisor at the start of the course.


Pre-Module Introduction

We lay out the evolutionary calling to Women’s Inner Leadership as a response to the changing paradigm and the way of feminine consciousness. Welcome, orientation and connection.

Right Relations

An integrated part of the training are the regular Right Relations sessions at the end of each module, where we explore the interpersonal dynamics in the group and bring it back to the professional learning.

Overview Modules & Dates

Module 1: Love

10-12 February 2023

As we explore the evolutionary, psychospiritual potential of love, we look at the roots of our attachment patterns and how they potentially interfere with our innate knowing. We look at women’s social engagement systems and our habitual ways of searching for, responding to and protecting against Love and we learn to step into a new perspective. Loving from an embodied, boundaried and resourced place.

Module 2: Sex

24-26 March 2023

Looking at our relationship to sex, we explore the multiple emotional agendas we subconsciously attach to our sexual expression. How do we sexualise or desexualise ourselves? What are our fears and our adaptive responses? How is the state of our nervous system connected to our experience of either numbness, pain or pleasure? Learn to rewrite your sexual script so that it’s aligned with your inner truth.

Module 3: Money

12-14 May 2023

We work on deconstructing our subconscious conditioning around money, to replace it with an intentionally healthy, intelligent and sustainable relationship. We look at the self worth/net worth connection, our nervous system response and the way it impacts our choices. We can begin to move beyond the shadows of the global financial paradigm and into a responsible relationship of reciprocity and freedom. 

Module 4: Power

16-18 June 2023

Women’s power is about knowing at deep levels who we are, beyond the cultural and paradigmatic conditioning we’ve inherited. We need to be able to feel and embody the cyclical nature of our deep being. For each of us it requires a heroine’s journey at different stages of our life, as we move through Maiden, Mother and Crone, in a continuous life – death – life cycle. While embracing the gifts we also uncover the shadows.

Module 5: Consciousness

28-30 July 2023  

We reach the end of the personal journey by working with the feminine field of consciousness. As a foundation we present a map of consciousness that supports us to recognise and integrate our shadows in preparation for bringing our higher qualities to the world. We sharpen our intuition and develop a sense of embodied inner knowing. This solidifies our experience of Women’s Inner Leadership as a model for being and acting in the world.

Module 6: Pro 1

8-10 September 2023

Using the tri-focal vision of emerging potential, real life challenge and practical coaching steps you learn to approach a client  from a place of resource and possibility. You learn essential therapeutic tools of projection, transference and counter-transference, and to distinguish 1st wave and 2nd wave experiences. This enables you to do a thorough client intake session.

Module 7: Pro 2

20-22 October 2023

Introducing the concept of the triune brain you learn about the ladder of nervous system response, our adaptive responses and the sub-personalities we develop in self-protection. This will give the theoretical framework to unpacking the ways in which we express ourselves in all the areas of love, sex, money, power and consciousness.

Module 8: Pro 3

1-3 December 2023

Brain plasticity is one of the most exciting findings of neuroscience. By looking at our default mode network and learning how to create new neural networks by using a body/mind/consciousness approach, we get a powerful tool for transformation. We work with gestalt, embodiment and completion of time pockets.

Module 9: Pro 4

12-14 January 2024

Following on our knowledge about the nervous system response, we add the essential Polyvagal theory that encompasses vagal tone, vagal brake and blended states. Attunement, co-regulation and self-regulation are vital tools you will learn for resourcing and containing emotional affect and trauma. We also cover the neurological pathways of memory and ways of reframing memory.

Year 2

Professional Practice & Supervision

Content, Time & Location

Year two classes focus on setting up and running an ethical, professional coaching practice with clear goals and measurement of progress, including internationally accredited AC coaching competences and ethical guidelines.  You will be supported by supervision to reflect critically on your client work. 


Classes (9) are 2 hours each and run Friday’s 10.00-12.00pm (GMT)


Supervisions (9) are in small groups and 2 hours each. Times are to be agreed upon with your supervisor at the start of the year.

Class Dates

22 March 2024

26 April 2024

24 May 2024


21 June 2024

19 July 2024

13 September 2024


11 October 2024

8 November 2024

13 December 2024

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